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Showing posts from June, 2018

Benefits Of Hiring A Locum Pharmacy Dispenser

A pharmacy happens to be a specialized arena that takes in highly qualified workers. This had been the notion not too many years ago. Thankfully, the outlook has changed with many young individuals looking for a locum pharmacy dispenser job . It is not too difficult either. The pharmacy owner is also relieved to obtain hardworking and dedicated individuals who learn on the job thereby gaining valuable experience within a short time.  The pharmacies do not suffer when there is a dearth of qualified personnel either. It is indeed a win-win situation for all concerned with the full time staff getting a few days off. The attrition rate is not as high as before therefore as most of the old timers remain satisfied with their work-life balance courtesy the locum technicians.  Sure, it is possible to get a temp to fill in for a permanent employee at the last minute today. However, the bigger pharmacies often choose to register with a staffing agency specializing in hirin...