Over the years, we have seen that there is been a good rise in the demand of the professional locum technicians all over the world. This increased demand is a clear cut indication that in the coming future there would be more demand of the professional locum lab technicians in different hospitals, or private nursing homes. A locum pharmacy technician job is just like a full time lab technician and only difference is that locum lab technician only works during the absence of the main or regular lab technicians. Though, today every hospital, medical centre and private clinics does have their full time technicians in the labs, but sometimes a lab technician has to move out of his/her office to collect reports or collect samples and at that time if there is any emergency occurred in which lab technician is required then it would be difficult for the hospital to manage a alternate lab technician is such a short notice. Here, the locum lab technician comes to the rescue and they work on b...
Established in 2007 iPharm Solutions operates as a pharmacy recruitment consultancy offering jobs across the UK and overseas. iPharm consultants only specialise in pharmacy recruitment which enables them to give the best possible advice to progress your career.